Speculative Learning
The state of Speculative Supply
In 2016, I embarked on a project called Speculative Supply that was meant to be a go-to source for tools built on speculation. This was…
Speculative Learning
In 2016, I embarked on a project called Speculative Supply that was meant to be a go-to source for tools built on speculation. This was…
District 3
To this day, millions of students still walk into a university with the hope that their degree will not only get them a job, but will…
Humility and collaboration may be the face of entrepreneurship in Canada
The incessant need to find the best The human’s inability to be satisfied with anything, even when it doesn’t matter. You end up asking yourself whether or not this shade of green is greener than the other shade.
An incredible display of the human spirit to find purpose in anything
District 3
Trying to understand innovation in the context of a startup accelerator
District 3
Three important lessons in checking assumptions and testing quickly
This summer, I will be tackling a challenge that has thus far been unprecedented to me: teaching design thinking and user-centred design…
District 3
How simply adding “design” made plain thinking desirable again
District 3
A useful metaphor for why controlled flexibility is important for a new company
District 3
Our belief at Particles Design Lab is that creativity is present in all, but with forms that are infinitely different from person to…
Speculative Learning
A new home for speculative tools that will be useful in a variety of contexts