Introducing Speculative Supply
A new home for speculative tools that will be useful in a variety of contexts

I’m happy to finally push this out.
Throughout my year in Copenhagen, and more recently my final project, I have come across a variety of ways to make meaningful an activity that I have always enjoyed immensely: Speculation.
Analyzing situations, having thorough discussions about what might come, and debating and discussing potential futures is an activity that is wrought with the ability to develop critical thinking and make us aware of our present and history.
The site:
Speculative Supply is an attempt to satiate the appetites of the curious by providing them with a directory of tools and questions that they can use with those around them to imagine and take ownership of the future through critical (and sometimes ridiculous) speculation.
If those sound like lofty goals for a site that is currently little more than plan html and css right now, you’re right in your assumption. Then again, I never said that my dream of this taking off is going to be easy.
Enjoy the site, and do reach out if you are interested in contributing or learning more, I’m always looking for collaborations.