Harnessing the imaginative power of speculation in learning

Engage learners deeply with typically dry topics by allowing them to use their imagination and make mistakes safely.
An innovative approach to structured digital conversations for use by academics to see multitudes of perspectives and extract the necessary information.
The Process

Playing with words & Learning
At CIID, I explored the potency of dialogue in learning. Intuitively we know the educational power of a good conversation, but digitally this is underutilized.
Initial sketches and concepts focused on using AI to extract subtext from conversations and feed it back to the learner.

Brutal teenage honesty
I created a game that high-school students played which simulated the premise of the app.
Ultimately the students agreed they enjoyed it but were uninterested in extra work that didn’t help them with their grades.
A win for words — a break for learning
Through blogging and publishing a website with a kit of tools aimed at leveraging speculation, the concept drew the attention of academics. In particular, the interface for navigating text that had potential to facilitate research writing — a success for the interface but not for learning.

Further reading: