Generative, Personal, but not Artificial
Unpacking Appleās language obsession around machine intelligence
Unpacking Appleās language obsession around machine intelligence
Seeing The Great Wave off Kanagawa print from right to left opened my eyes to the power of its message
Mental Models
Forget the shortcuts and prompting tips and attain real creative satisfaction by focusing on the process
If a generative AI had a nutrition label that said "100 brain calories per ChatGPT response", would that change how you use it? Nutrition could serve as a metaphor to understand why taking a tempered approach with generative AI might be important for our intellectual health. For starters,
The Challenges of Oversimplification in Modern Education and Technology
Mental Models
Exploring the evolution of information access, decision-making, and society's acceptance of more authoritative answers
Sometimes when I'm working, I realize that I've been holding my breath. If you've never noticed yourself doing that, then I beg you to pay attention to it just for today. Why? A man wearing a hoodie runs in with a cardboard sign that
Fancy online tools won't take you far without a solid foundation
Mental Models
How a new app that's challenging existing video calling software reminded me of this potent cognitive bias
Mental Models
How a graph can reveal unexpected patterns in a chaotic situation