Unfiltered design #2: Informal learning, futility, and standards—oh and I have a podcast now!

Sometimes the word "design" is so heavily associated with just tips and tricks and at some point that gets stale. Good design can only come if our sources of inspiration are broad! So here goes…
Informally formal

Not only in learning but in work as well, there is a general reluctance for play… for silliness. Throughout my life, my happiest and most inspired moments all happened at times when a seed of playfulness was planted and nurtured.
✨ Inspired by this.
Productivity pains

I drove myself silly exploring productivity applications before finally realizing that managed productivity is more useful for tasks related to execution with known outcomes. To that end, nothing is more useful than a limited to do list combined with time-boxing your calendar.
Otherwise, free time reigns supreme.
📑 Original article here.
Check out my studio's podcast

Learn about the ins and outs of selling services through an agency by watching or listening to our podcast, Shiftslash.
Allan and I are documenting our thoughts as a way for us to reflect on what we’re learning and help others interested in this path experience what it’s like.
We release episodes every Thursday, so subscribe today to get to tomorrow’s episode on managing your money to understand if your agency can be a viable income stream for you!
If you’re interested in learning specific things, you can always leave us voice messages on the platform.
Pixel-level futility

Standards and creativity can't seem to get along

The time required to push creativity in software interfaces is at odds with the industry’s obsession with speed.
New ideas get killed very quickly if early data suggests a dip in usage.
Product managers may be reluctant to tolerate a temporary loss in growth for long-term impact.
Developers may be unwilling to code something novel without the speed provided by libraries and existing patterns.
Designers may be comfortable relying on existing patterns to avoid taking responsibility for this perceived added weight.
What’s the value of long term thinking in our design practice? How can we mitigate short-term risk for long-term gain?
✨ Inspired by this.
Thank you for enduring these unfiltered thoughts. Perhaps they inspired something in your mind… Do let me know if they did. Sharing is caring!
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All the best,